Category Archives: Newsletter

Call for Papers for next year’s IADA conference

Dear IADA members and friends, It is my great pleasure to release the Call for Papers for next year’s IADA conference. As you know, this conference will take place in Pittsburgh, USA from June 1-4, 2016 and will be organized by one of our board members, professor Ronald C. Arnett (Duquesne University). This will actually […]

13th National Communication Ethics Conference

“Rhetoric and Philosophy of Communication Ethics: Social Justice in Organizations and History” Duquesne University – Pittsburgh, PA June 4–6, 2014 The 13th National Communication Ethics Conference will be held June 4-6, 2014 at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA with three distinct components. Six invited keynote speakers with one presenting in the morning and one in […]

Call for Papers : Dialogue in Multilingual, Multimodal, and Multi-competent Communities of Practice

Dear Colleague, We are happy to inform you that the University of Texas at Austin, USA, hosts the IADA workshop “Dialogue in Multilingual, Multimodal, and Multi-competent Communities of Practice” from 22-24 March, 2013. Be kindly referred to the Call for Papers [PDF] for more information. You can also go to the conference website at We are looking […]